Vote by Mail

Please note: Authorized Messengers and/or Bearers of Vote-by-Mail Ballots are now only permitted to act as such for up to THREE (3) qualified voters per election, except that an authorized messenger or bearer may serve as such for up to FIVE (5) qualified voters in an election if those voters are immediate family members residing in the same household as the messenger or bearer.

Vote-by-Mail Instructions

  • You must be a registered voter in order to receive a ballot. 
  • Print the Vote-by-Mail Ballot Application.
  • Fill out the application. Make sure to print and sign your name where indicated.
  • Mail or deliver the application to:

    Morris County Clerk’s Office
    PO Box 315
    10 Court Street
    Administration & Records Building, 1st Floor
    Morristown, NJ 07963-0315

  • Applications must be received by the County Clerk’s Office no later than 7 days prior to the election in order to receive a ballot by mail. We cannot accept postmarked applications.
  • You may apply in-person or via an authorized messenger during our office hours up until 3:00 PM the day prior to the election.
  • Once you apply for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot, you will not be permitted to vote by machine at your polling place in the same election.
  • The mailing of the ballots begins at least 45 days prior to Election Day.
  • You will receive instructions with your ballot.
  • Completed ballots may be returned to the Board of Elections as soon as they are received.
  • If returning your Vote-by-Mail Ballot in-person, it must be received by the Board of Elections before the close of polls on Election Day. If returning your ballot by mail, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by the Board of Elections no later than 144 hours (6 days) after the close of polls.
  • You may also return your ballot using any of the 30 drop boxes located throughout Morris County.
  • Once submitted, you can track the status of your ballot(PDF, 76KB).
  • You must apply for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for each election, unless "All Future Elections" is selected in section 1 of the application. If that option is selected, you must notify our office by submitting an Opt-out Form(PDF, 140KB) if you no longer wish to receive ballots automatically.
  • If you select "All Future Elections" and a ballot mailing address other than your residence address is listed on your application, you must submit a new application if it changes.
  • Please do not submit more than one application for the same election.
  • If you do not receive your Vote-by-Mail Ballot or if it is lost, you may either request a duplicate ballot from our Elections Department or vote by Provisional Ballot at an early voting location or your designated polling place on Election Day.

*Email FPCAs and Opt-Out Forms to or fax to 973-285-5233